
GSM Test Modem

This sketch tests the modem on the GSM shield to see if it is working correctly. You do not need a SIM card for this example.

Hardware Required


GSMShield ArduinoUno

image of the Arduino GSM Shield on top of an Arduino board


First, import the GSM library

#include <GSM.h>

Create an instance of the GSMModem class:

GSMModem modem;

Create a variable to hold the IMEI number of the modem

String IMEI = "";

In setup, open a serial connection to the computer. After opening the connection, send a message indicating the sketch has started.

void setup(){


  Serial.print("Starting modem test...");

Call modem.begin() to start the modem. Send a status message depending on the outcome, and end setup().


    Serial.println("modem.begin() succeeded");


    Serial.println("ERROR, no modem answer.");

Inside loop, use modem.getIMEI() to return the IMEI number of the modem. This number is unique to your GSM shield.

void loop()

  // get modem IMEI

  Serial.print("Checking IMEI...");

  IMEI = modem.getIMEI();

If there is a valid response from getIMEI(), print it to the serial monitor and reset the modem with modem.begin().

if(IMEI != NULL)


    // show IMEI in serial monitor

    Serial.println("Modem's IMEI: " + IMEI);

    // reset modem to check booting:

    Serial.print("Reseting modem...");


Once reset, check the IMEI again. If it is a valid return again, the modem is functioning as expected.

if(modem.getIMEI() != NULL)


      Serial.println("Modem is functoning properly");


If, after resetting the modem, there is not a valid return from getIMEI(), report an error



      Serial.println("Error: getIMEI() failed after modem.begin()");


If you never received an IMEI after starting the sketch, report it, and end the program.




    Serial.println("Error: Could not get IMEI");


  // do nothing:


Once your code is uploaded, open the serial monitor. You should see the HTML of print out on screen when it is received.

The complete sketch is below.


 This example tests to see if the modem of the

 GSM shield is working correctly. You do not need

 a SIM card for this example.


 * GSM shield attached

 Created 12 Jun 2012

 by David del Peral

 modified 21 Nov 2012

 by Tom Igoe

 This sample code is part of the public domain


// libraries
#include <GSM.h>

// modem verification object

GSMModem modem;

// IMEI variable

String IMEI = "";

void setup() {

  // initialize serial communications and wait for port to open:


  while (!Serial) {

    ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only


  // start modem test (reset and check response)

  Serial.print("Starting modem test...");

  if (modem.begin()) {

    Serial.println("modem.begin() succeeded");

  } else {

    Serial.println("ERROR, no modem answer.");


void loop() {

  // get modem IMEI

  Serial.print("Checking IMEI...");

  IMEI = modem.getIMEI();

  // check IMEI response

  if (IMEI != NULL) {

    // show IMEI in serial monitor

    Serial.println("Modem's IMEI: " + IMEI);

    // reset modem to check booting:

    Serial.print("Resetting modem...");


    // get and check IMEI one more time

    if (modem.getIMEI() != NULL) {

      Serial.println("Modem is functoning properly");

    } else {

      Serial.println("Error: getIMEI() failed after modem.begin()");


  } else {

    Serial.println("Error: Could not get IMEI");


  // do nothing:

  while (true);

See Also

Last revision 2018/08/23 by SM