Clap Detector

This example reads audio data from an Invensense's ICS43432I2S microphone breakout board, and uses the input to detect clapping sounds. The built-in LED is togggled when a clapp is detected.

Hardware Required



image developed using Fritzing. For more circuit examples, see the Fritzing project page



 This example reads audio data from an Invensense's ICS43432 I2S microphone

 breakout board, and uses the input to detect clapping sounds. An LED is

 togggled when a clapp is detected.


 * Arduino Zero, MKRZero or MKR1000 board

 * ICS43432:

   * GND connected GND

   * 3.3V connected 3.3V (Zero) or VCC (MKR1000, MKRZero)

   * WS connected to pin 0 (Zero) or pin 3 (MKR1000, MKRZero)

   * CLK connected to pin 1 (Zero) or pin 2 (MKR1000, MKRZero)

   * SD connected to pin 9 (Zero) or pin A6 (MKR1000, MKRZero)

 created 18 November 2016

 by Sandeep Mistry


#include <ArduinoSound.h>

// the LED pin to use as output

const int ledPin = LED_BUILTIN;

// the amplitude threshold for a clap to be detected

const int amplitudeDeltaThreshold = 100000000;

// create an amplitude analyzer to be used with the I2S input

AmplitudeAnalyzer amplitudeAnalyzer;

// variable to keep track of last amplitude
int lastAmplitude = 0;

void setup() {

  // setup the serial


  // configure the LED pin as an output

  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);

  // setup the I2S audio input for 44.1 kHz with 32-bits per sample

  if (!AudioInI2S.begin(44100, 32)) {

    Serial.println("Failed to initialize I2S input!");

    while (1); // do nothing


  // configure the I2S input as the input for the amplitude analyzer

  if (!amplitudeAnalyzer.input(AudioInI2S)) {

    Serial.println("Failed to set amplitude analyzer input!");

    while (1); // do nothing


void loop() {

  // check if a new analysis is available

  if (amplitudeAnalyzer.available()) {

    // read the new amplitude

    int amplitude =;

    // find the difference between the new amplitude and the last

    int delta = amplitude - lastAmplitude;

    // check if the difference is larger than the threshold

    if (delta > amplitudeDeltaThreshold) {

      // a clap was detected

      Serial.println("clap detected");

      // toggle the LED

      digitalWrite(ledPin, !digitalRead(ledPin));

      // delay a bit to debounce



    // update the last amplitude with the new amplitude

    lastAmplitude = amplitude;


See Also:

Last revision 2016/12/06 by AG