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Privacy Policy

Children Privacy Policy

Arduino cares about the privacy and personal data of its users. The following privacy policy is meant to inform you on how we process your personal data when you use our services.


This Policy explains which of your personal data are collected by Arduino S.r.l. (hereinafter referred to as “we”, “us” or "Arduino"), for which purposes and how they are processed. You may also find below the necessary information to enforce your rights provided for by GDPR.

In general, we collect your personal data when you create an Arduino Account, when you use our services and products, when you email or call us or send us a message, when you use our websites, apps Arduino Science Journal and Arduino IoT Cloud Remote (“Apps”) and social media. We inform you that the personal data collected during such processes will be used in order to reply to your queries, to allow you to use the services and products offered by Arduino, to carry out marketing activities, to provide customer support and to carry out analyses in order to ensure that you have a customized user experience on the website and the Apps, as specified below.

Who processes your data

Arduino S.r.l., with registered office in via Andrea Appiani 25, 20900 Monza (MB) – Italy, is the Data Controller of the processing of your personal data, necessary to provide you with the services and products of Arduino and, upon your consent, for marketing purposes, consistently with the purposes and modalities indicated below. Arduino’s Data Protection Officer (“DPO”) may be contacted via email at or at the above-mentioned address.

Which data we use

For the purpose of creating your Arduino Account, also on the Apps, and providing you with the Arduino services you have requested, as well as giving you customer assistance, we process your personal data such as name (or username), email address, telephone number.

If you wish to purchase any of our products or services, including the Arduino Certification program, or make a donation, we also use your Tax Code, date of birth, your residence address and your credit card and invoicing data. To allow you to participate in the discussions in our Arduino Forum and in Arduino User Group and to enable you to log in to Arduino Playground, Arduino Day, Arduino Create and Arduino Store, we use your username, your IP address and your Account and, if you decide to make such data visible to other Arduino users, we use the information relating to your position and to your person that you wish to share with Arduino community and, upon your request, with the public. To allow you to be published on Arduino website as a “Certified User”, we may use your name, last name and details of your Account.

In order to enable the educational program of Arduino Education products, we use your name, last name, email address, residence or work address, as well as your credit card and invoicing data. Students under the age of 14, who will be involved in the use of the educational trainings of Arduino Education products, shall not be identified, since the student will be provided with an anonymous username and browsing data shall not be visible to Arduino anyways.

In order to allow you to participate in the Contributor License Agreement program, we use, in addition to your Account details, the name, last name and other personal information that are in the header of the source code or in the other documents of the license. In order to allow you to participate in our surveys, advertised on Arduino social media channels, surveys which are aimed at improving our services and products and which you will decide to participate in, we may use your name, last name, contact details (e-mail, Skype contact), possibly your image, your professional qualification. In order to send you commercial information about our products and services and to submit offers tailored to your tastes, we may use your email address and your name, spoken language and country of origin, as well as browsing data and website behavioural information to understand better which products and services you prefer, provided that you have previously authorized such a processing.

Where we collect your data

Directly from you. For instance, if you create an account, if you post a comment on our websites, if you send us a query via email or through other communications means, if you browse on our websites, if you decide to participate in any of our surveys. If you do not communicate your data, we may not activate an account. An Arduino account is required, if you wish to purchase our products or services.

Through the use of the website. We use cookies and other analysis tools in order to improve the functionalities of the website and to make their use more efficient. To learn more, please see our Cookie Policy.

If you are a parent or a person exercising parental authority for a child under the age of 16 who wishes to create an account, we will collect your personal information necessary to activate the child's account. For more information, please visit the 'Minors' section of our privacy policy.

From third parties. For instance, if you choose to use functionalities of other platforms (such as Google, GitHub, Apple, etc.) to create an Arduino account, the third party website will transmit to us, upon your consent, some of your personal data, such as your name, country of origin, language spoken and your email address.

Lastly, if you released a software of which you are the author (or co-author or contributor) and it is re-released, shared or commented through our website, we may process your personal data, which you already filled in the source code or in the documents of the license.

Why and for how long we process your data

In order to provide you with Arduino services and products, through our website, to give you information and assistance for the activation of your account and on Arduino services. The processing of your data is necessary in order to give you access to the Arduino website and its functionalities, to respond to your requests and to assist you when you use our products and services.

In particular, the creation of an Arduino account allows you to use different functionalities of the website of Arduino and of the Apps, among which the on-line shop, Arduino Cloud, Arduino Project Hub, Arduino Forum, Arduino Blog, Arduino Day, Arduino Education products, Arduino Certification, the Contributor License Agreement program and the other development and educational instruments available on the website and on the Apps.

The legal basis of this processing is the performance of the services you have requested, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the service of Arduino that you have accepted, as well as the fulfilment of pre-contractual measures that you may have requested before activating such services. The retention period of your data is equal to the period of activity of your account for the use of Arduino services according to the terms and conditions of use that you have accepted, within the limits described. In particular, during the activation of an Arduino account, if no confirmation is provided through the link sent to you within 1 month, the Arduino account will be deleted. Without your data, we cannot provide you with Arduino services described above.

When creating accounts for users under the age of 16, please review the 'Minors' section of our privacy policy.

In order to allow you to request information and to interact with other users. Through the forum and the "community" functionalities of Arduino, which you may access upon specific request, you may participate in discussions, request information and leave comments or other information relating to your experiences, among which the details of what you created, which may be viewed by other users. The legal basis of this processing is the user’s consent, to be provided when the terms and conditions of use of Arduino services are accepted. The retention period of your data is equal to the period of activity of your account for the use of Arduino services according to the terms and conditions of use that you accepted and within the limits described. In particular, in the case of deletion of your Arduino account due to inactivity for 24 months, as regards the comments and posts in the forum, we will provide for anonymization of the same. Without your consent we cannot enable your interactions with other users and, in particular, your comments and your shared content.

In order to enable you to obtain an Arduino Certification. We will process your information when you submit a purchase order for the Arduino Certification Program, and to enable you to obtain the Arduino Certification. The legal basis for this processing is the performance of the agreement you became a party of from the moment when you accept the terms and conditions of the Arduino Certification Program. The period of retention of your data, for this purpose, is equal to the period necessary to process your order, carry out the certification process, issue your Certification and, if you have given consent, we will retain your data until the expiration of your Certification (however, if you also have an account, the period of retention of your data will be equal to the period of activity of your account being provided your use of Arduino services, according to the terms and conditions of use that you have accepted, within the limits described therein). Without your data we will not be able to process your order and provide you with the requested service.

In order to provide you with the products and services you purchased and to send you communications in connection with your purchase order or with your payments. We will process your data to process your purchase orders. We may send you emails regarding your account or your purchase of Arduino products and services or the payments made through our website. The legal basis of this processing is the performance of the agreement you became a party of from the moment when you accept the terms and conditions of Arduino service and the fulfilment of pre-contractual measures that you may have requested. For this purpose, the retention period of your data is equal to the period required to process the purchase order (however, if you also have an account, the retention period of your data is equal to the period of activity of your account for the use of Arduino services, according to the terms and conditions of use that you have accepted, within the limits described). Without your data we cannot process your purchase order and provide you with the products and services requested.

In order to manage your administrative position properly. We process your data for accounting, administrative and tax purposes, directly related to the business of Arduino as required by the applicable legislation. The legal basis of this processing is the compliance with statutory obligations and the retention period is equal to that required by law (in particular, by tax, anti-money laundering, banking and public security law). For internal administrative purposes, we may also share your data within the companies of Arduino group, also located abroad, in compliance with the principles set by the GDPR for the transfer of personal data to companies located in a third country (in particular, we could communicate your data to companies of the Arduino group operating in the European Union, in Switzerland and in the United States, and which have entered into with Arduino standard data protection clauses approved by the European Commission). The legal basis of this processing is the legitimate interest of Arduino in pursuing its corporate organizational purposes recognised by law. The retention period, where it is not required by law for a longer period (see the previous paragraph), is equal to the duration of your contractual relationship with Arduino (therefore to the activity of your account, to the processing of the purchase order or to the provision of assistance and statutory warranty).

In order to enable the use of Arduino Education products. When you purchase an Arduino Education product, we process your data in order to process your purchase order, as well as to enable the use of these services on your terminal and on the terminal of the users you wish to involve in the educational program. Users involved in the educational program shall activate an Arduino Account in their name, with the exception of minors under the age of 14, who will activate accounts not connected to their identities. The legal basis of this processing is the need to fulfil the agreement you entered into with us when you ordered an Arduino Education product. The retention period in connection with this purpose is equal to the period during which you or your team use the educational package. Without your data, we cannot process your purchase order and provide you with the educational services of Arduino Education.

In order to allow you to release the software to which you are a contributor. Arduino allows you to make available to the developers’ community the result of your development work within the Contributor License Agreement program. For this purpose, we use the data of your account, your name, the email and the personal data you filled in in the header of the source code and in the documents of the license. The legal basis of this processing is the need to fulfil the contractual obligations in accordance with the terms and conditions that you have accepted.

The retention period in connection with this purpose is equal to the period during which your software is available on Arduino sharing platform. Without your data we cannot release your work within the Contributor License Agreement program. If your work is part of other works released by third parties and the terms of license provide for the publication of your data as author/co-author, the legal basis of the processing is the legitimate interest of Arduino in pursuing its corporate organizational purposes of promotion of the open source community, which considers, and is compatible with, your rights and interests as developer of open source programs and as community member. In this case, the retention period is equal to the period during which the software, in which your work is embedded into, is available on the Arduino sharing platform. If you want to erase your data from the published licenses, you shall exercise your moral rights as author of the software, compatible with the terms of the license you and the next contributors used (as for the erasure of your data from Arduino platform, see the following section “your rights”).

In order to make donations. If you wish to participate in the “Donate” program, and contribute to the development of the Arduino community, we shall use your personal and payment data (see above the section “which data we use”) to allow you to donate the amount you wish. The legal basis of this processing is your consent, which you shall give when the payment is made. The retention period for this purpose is equal to the period of time necessary to process your payment request. Without your data we cannot perform the activities necessary to allow you to make the donation. In addition, we may store your data in order to fulfil the obligations required by the applicable law (in particular, tax, anti-money laundering, banking and public security law). The legal basis of this processing is the need to comply with the statutory obligations. Under this second scenario, the retention period of such data is equal to the retention period required by the applicable law (in particular, tax, anti-money laundering, banking and public security law).

In order to send essential information concerning your account, your use of Arduino products and services. We use your email to send you important information regarding the status of your account (for instance, if some of the services you are registered to are about to expire or if your account is about to be closed according to the terms and conditions of the service you accepted, within the limits described), the security of Arduino products and services or changes to this Privacy Policy. The legal basis of this processing is the legitimate interest of Arduino to inform you about your user account and the services you have used, and to protect its information systems against security threats. The retention period of data in connection with this processing is equal to the period necessary to carry out the above-mentioned communications

In order to allow you to participate in our surveys. We will process your personal data to allow you to participate in a survey aimed at improving our products and services, through the completion of an online form and through an interview by phone/via Skype or other communication means which you will specify. The legal basis of this processing is the legitimate interest of Arduino to improve its products and services. The data retention period is equal to the duration period of the survey, after which the data will be retained exclusively for the purpose of complying with the relevant statutory obligations and/or for defensive purposes. Furthermore, we may process your contact data to invite you, also in the future, to participate in other surveys and/or focus on certain topics. The legal basis of such latter processing is your consent, which you shall give when filling out the online form. The data retention period is 24 months from the collection of the same.

In order to let you interact with customer care operators. We may use your email address or telephone number, as well as your name and/or postal address, to assist you in case you need help using Arduino products and services. Also to provide you with customer assistance, we may communicate your data to Arduino affiliated companies operating in the European Union, in Switzerland or in the United States and which have entered into, with Arduino standard data protection clauses approved by the European Commission. The legal basis of this processing is the performance of the agreement which you have entered into with Arduino when you have accepted the terms and conditions of use of Arduino services and the compliance with legal obligations relating to statutory due warranties and consumer assistance. We might also collect information regarding customer assistance or issues that occurred to our service. In order to improve the quality of customer care services, subject to the applicable law, Arduino may also record and listen to conversations with customer care operators. The legal basis of this processing is the legitimate interest of Arduino to improve the quality of the services provided to its customers. In addition, Arduino might analyse any feedback provided voluntarily through surveys submitted to the client. The legal basis of this processing is the consent of the data subject. In all the cases mentioned above, the data retention period is equal to the activity period of your account, according to the terms and conditions of use that you accepted, within the limits described.

In order to monitor and improve our products, services and websites. With your consent, we analyse your data relating to your use, preferences and consumption to improve our approach towards you and our customers in general, through automated processings, including profiling (through cookies). We do so in order for us to make better decisions relating to services, advertising, products and content based on a larger awareness of how our customers use our services and to ensure you have a customized user experience. For such a purpose we may also collect the advertising identifier of your mobile device (IDFA - Identifier for Advertising - for iOS devices and ADID - Google Advertising ID - for Android devices) and your Arduino username to enable us to provide you always with targeted and accurate ads based on your preferences and your interests. The legal basis for this processing is your explicit consent. The retention period of your data is 12 months from the collection of your data.

In order to prevent or assess unlawful conducts or to protect and enforce our rights. For instance, we may use your data to prevent or prosecute infringements, including of our – and third parties’ – intellectual/industrial property rights, or to prevent or prosecute cyber crimes or crimes committed through the internet. The legal basis of this processing is the legitimate interest of Arduino to protect its rights and to prevent criminal offences. The retention period of your data is equal to the time reasonably necessary to enforce our rights from the moment we become aware of the offence or of its potential commission.

For Arduino’s and its own partners’ marketing purposes. After having obtained your consent, you may be contacted by Arduino via email with information or promotional content regarding Arduino’s services. Also subject to your given consent, we may disclose your data to Arduino’s partners for the purpose of sending you promotional, advertising material and other communications with marketing purposes relating to their products (in the latter case you will find a consent request with an explicit mention of the partner whom we may send your data to, also with a link to its privacy policy). The legal basis for this processing is your explicit consent. The retention period of your data is 12 months from the collection of your data. Students under the age of 14 who will be involved in using Arduino Education products will not be identified, as they will be provided with an anonymous username and their browsing data will not be visible to Arduino.

In order to publish your data on the Arduino website as a “Certified Arduino User”. After you obtained your Arduino Certification, we may publish your data (name, last name, certification details) on our website in a specific section for certified users. The legal basis for this processing is your explicit consent. The retention period of your data is equal to the term of validity of your certification, i.e. until the certification expires.

In order to obtain information on the use of the website. When you browse our website, even when you do so without being registered or having logged in, the software procedures and the computer system controlling the functioning of the web applications acquire, during their normal operation, some data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected to be associated with identified data subjects, but due to their very nature they could, through processing and associations with data held by the Data Controller or by third parties, allow users to be identified. In case of unregistered users, geographical location data and data related to how the website is used in an anonymous form that does not in any way allow, even in combination with the Unique Device Identifier (UDID), the MAC address, the IMEI or IMSI codes or other customer codes, to trace directly or indirectly back to your identity, unless you allow us to use your data at the moment of registration with explicit consent. Under such latter scenario, we shall connect your browsing data collected in an anonymous form in the previous 30 days to your identity. This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of the devices used by users connecting to the application, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code given by the server indicating the status of the response (successful, error, etc.), the sections of the website visited, the type of device used, the country which you connect from and other parameters relating to the operating system and the computer environment of the user. Arduino uses this information solely in order to allow navigation on its website and to process the operations normally relating to the use of the website. The legal basis of this processing is the legitimate interest of Arduino to communicate with the public through telematic networks. The retention period of the information that could potentially allow the identification is 30 days from access to the website. Data obtained from browsing may be used, with your consent (which you may manage and revoke by modifying the privacy settings at also to determine your preferences and carry out web analytics activities in order to evaluate the profitability of each online activity and understand the behaviours of the user with the aim of improving the services available. It is however your right to object, at any time and without charge, the processing of your data for this purpose. The legal basis for this processing is your consent. The retention period of the data relating to the website browsing for analysis purposes is 24 months from access to the website. To learn more, please review our Cookie Policy

In order to obtain information on the use of the website. We may collect data relating the type of device that you are using, or the Operating System version of your computer or device. We may as well analyse how often you use the app and where you downloaded it from. Your preferences on the methods through which we use data on mobile devices are described here

Third party tools

We use some of these tools to handle technical problems, whose resolution requires the use and sharing of the data relating to the use of the app with our service providers. This function will only use your data if you have spontaneously activated and authorised it.

The legal basis of the processing is the legitimate interest of Arduino to improve the quality of the services offered to its users and the security of its application. The consent to the use of these tools is optional and may be revoked at any time. The retention period of the information used for this purpose is 24 months from the access to the website.

In relation to the aforementioned purposes, the processing of personal data takes place using manual, IT and telematic tools with logics strictly related to the purposes themselves and, in any case, in order to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the same data in compliance with the law.

Use of Arduino Apps

When you decide to use the Apps, you can do so either as a guest or by registering to the Apps. For more information about creating an account on the Apps, the legal basis and retention periods, please see the relevant section of this privacy policy. However, please note that, whether you use the App as a guest or with an Arduino account, Arduino does not process personal data shared in the App, such as images, documents, location, photos and voice, etc.

The permissions required within the Arduino Science Journal Apps are the following.


  • Location: Needed to scan for Bluetooth® sensor devices.
  • Camera: Needed to take pictures to document experiments.
  • Microphone: Needed for sound intensity sensor.
  • Storage: Needed to access photos to insert into experiments.


  • Bluetooth®: needed to scan for Bluetooth® sensor devices.
  • Camera: needed to take pictures to document experiments and for the brightness sensor.
  • Photo Library: needed to store pictures taken to document experiments and for adding existing photos from your library to experiments.
  • Microphone: needed for sound intensity sensor.
  • Push notifications: needed to inform you of recording status when backgrounding the app.

These information and personal data will only be processed locally by your device, under no circumstances Arduino will be able to access or store such personal data. Limited to the Arduino Science Journal App, upon your consent, if you create an account through your Google Account (excluding Junior Accounts), you may also share your experiments created in the app in your Google Drive, according to Google policies and permissions.

Where your data is processed – Transfer of data

The data will be processed at our offices in Via Andrea Appiani 25, 20900 - Monza (MB), Italy. As anticipated, for internal administrative and organizational purposes and to provide you with customer assistance, we may communicate your data to companies belonging to Arduino group, operating in the United States and which have entered into, with Arduino agreements in compliance with art. 28 of the GDPR with data protection clauses approved by the European Commission. Your data may also be stored in the European Union, in Switzerland and in the United States by suppliers of Arduino to whom the data are transmitted on the basis of agreements in compliance with art. 28 of the GDPR with standard data protection clauses in accordance with the decision of the European Commission concerning data protection clauses and by virtues of the decisions of the European Commission relating to the level of data protection. The updated list of third-party suppliers, operating as data processors pursuant to art. 28 of the GDPR, is available by sending a request to

With whom we share your data – recipients of your personal data

With other Arduino’s users. If you use the Forum, Arduino Cloud, Arduino Day, Arduino Blog and the social media channels of Arduino accessible through our website, you may interact with other users, to whom your comments, your position and the other information you would like to share will be visible.

With third parties that consult our “Certified Users” database. Upon your consent, we will publish your details as Arduino Certified User in a specific section of the website.

With Arduino’s commercial partners. If you accept, at the time of expressing your preferences regarding personal data, letting your data be communicated to Arduino’s commercial partners, they may process such data according to the privacy policy that they will submit to you.

With service providers. Arduino uses third-party services (clouds, customer care, analysis, profiling, research, hosting, browsing functionalities, use of the website and components of Arduino’s products and services) that operate as data processors pursuant to agreements in compliance with art. 28 of the GDPR. When such providers operate from a third country, they do it on the basis of standard contractual clauses in compliance with the decision of the European Commission relating to data protection clauses or by virtue of the decisions of the European Commission relating to the level of data protection. These subjects acquire only personal data necessary to fulfil their functions and may only use them for the purpose of performing these services on our behalf or to comply with statutory obligations. The updated list of third-party suppliers, operating as data processors pursuant to art. 28 of the GDPR, is available by sending a request to

With other companies belonging to the Arduino’s Group. Your data may be shared with other companies belonging to the Arduino group either for internal administrative and organizational purposes or to provide you with the services you have requested or with customer assistance. Up-to-date data on Arduino companies that are recipients of your data are available by sending a request to

With judicial or administrative authorities. Where we believe we have to do so in order to comply with an order from the judge or from an authority, or to comply with statutory obligations or in order to protect us or third parties in court, we may disclose your data with the Judicial Authority or a Governmental Agency in Italy or the European Union.


With regard to the processing of personal data of children under 16 years of age, please read the following information. In any event, Arduino does not process personal data of children under the age of 14. In case Arduino recognizes that it has collected personal information from users under the age of 14, Arduino will take steps to delete such information as soon as possible. Students under the age of 14 who are involved in using Arduino Education products will not be identified, as they will be given unique and anonymous access credentials that only the teacher will give to the students under the age of 14, whose browsing data will not be visible to Arduino anyways.

Arduino cares about the security of its website and its services, particularly when minors under the age of 16 are accessing it.

Therefore, Arduino has expressly stated that some of the services provided through its website are only accessible to certain users, and at the same time, has provided for different types of registration to its website, depending on the age group, in order to better protect browsing and use of services through its website by users under 16.

Junior Accounts (for minors under the age of 14)

Kids Privacy Assured by PRIVO: COPPA Safe Harbor Certification

Arduino s.r.l is a member of the PRIVO Kids Privacy Assured COPPA safe harbor certification Program (“the Program”). The Program certification applies to the digital properties listed on the certification page that is viewable by clicking on the PRIVO Seal. PRIVO is an independent, third-party organization committed to safeguarding children's personal information collected online. The PRIVO COPPA certification seal posted on this page indicates Arduino s.r.l has established COPPA compliant privacy practices and has agreed to submit to PRIVO’s oversight and consumer dispute resolution process. If you have questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please contact us at +39 01119116387 (Privacy Issues enquiries only) or If you have further concerns after you have contacted us, you can contact PRIVO directly at

Users under the age of 14 may create a Junior Account. Arduino does not process any personal data that would allow you to be identified as a child under the age of 14.

In order to create a Junior Account, the user is asked to choose a username and a picture (an Avatar), from a set of predetermined options, as well as to enter a password of their choice. As with all users who create an account on the website, the user is also asked to enter his/her date of birth, also to verify that he/she can correctly proceed with the creation of a Junior Account.

In order to complete the registration of a Junior Account, Arduino will process the personal data of the person exercising parental authority, such as their email address entered during the creation of the Junior Account, and will ask him/her to create an Arduino Adult Account (users over 16 years old). If you do not provide such personal data or if you do not create an Adult Account (users over 16 years old), the Junior Account will not be created and all data provided will be deleted within 30 days. The personal data of the person exercising parental authority are therefore processed in order to allow the creation of the Junior Account and will be kept for the entire period of activity of the account, which will in any event be deleted (both with regard to the Junior Account and the Adult Account) in case of inactivity for 24 months.

The personal data collected within the Junior Account, and therefore only those relating to the person exercising parental authority, who created an Adult Account (users over 16 years old), will be processed in order to allow access to all services and features on Arduino website. The purposes, the legal basis and the retention periods are indicated in this Privacy Policy in the dedicated sections, which you should visit, please.

For more information on the recipients of the personal data of the person exercising parental authority, on any transfers outside the EU of such personal data as well as to know the rights recognized to data subjects under the GDPR, please see the previous sections of our Privacy Policy.

With a Junior Account, the user will only be able to:

  • Access Educational products and services intended for middle school students (view full list on Arduino Education)
  • Download and use Arduino IDE.
  • Download and use the Arduino Science Journal App. Use the Science Journal Apps only for creating experiments saved locally in the App. Sharing functionality with Google Drive is not made available to Junior Accounts

Third Party Service Providers used in relation to Minors

On all areas of the services that are open to users 14 years of age or under, we restrict the use of third party service providers.

We use Analytics provider Google Analytics to help us better understand the use of the services. In association with them, we may passively collect IP address, OS versions and browser types.This information is for internal use only and can’t be shared. For more information on the use of please review the Google Privacy Policy:

In the application Science Kit Physics Lab, users are invited to use the Arduino Science Journal app to visualise data coming from our hardware. Users do not need an account to use Science Journal, it can be used anonymously. If the user uses Arduino Science Journal they are subject to the following privacy policy.

In the application Science Kit Physics Lab we embed videos from YouTube and the app is tagged for child-directed treatment with Google. For more information on the tag please follow this link: or visit the Google privacy policy:

If you have any questions about the collection of and use please contact us.

Adult Account (for users between 14 and 16 years old)

Arduino processes personal data of users between 14 and 16 years old when they create an Adult Account on the website.

In particular, Arduino processes the user's email address as well as his/her username and password and his/her date of birth, to verify that he/she can proceed with the creation of a Adult Account. The legal basis for this processing is to follow up on the user's request to create a Adult Account. The data retention period is equal to the period of activity of the account for the use of Arduino services according to the terms and conditions of use that you have accepted, within the limits described.

Just as for the Junior Account, for the Adult Account of users between 14 and 16 years old, in order to complete the registration of a Adult Account, Arduino will process the personal data of the person exercising parental authority as well, who will be asked to enter his/her email address and create a username and password. If you do not provide us with your personal data or if you do not create a Adult Account (users over 16 years old), you will not be able to create this account.

The personal data of the person exercising parental authority are therefore processed in order to allow the creation of the Adult Account as well as the management of the account itself, in terms of preferences and access to the services and will be stored for the entire period of activity of the account, which in any case will be deleted (both the Adult Account of the user between 14 and 16 years old and the Adult Account of the user over 16 years old) in case of inactivity of the same for 24 months.

Through the Adult Account of users between 14 and 16 years old, the user has access to all the services available on the Arduino website, except for those services/features expressly reserved for the person exercising parental authority set forth below. Only the person exercising parental authority may choose which services would be activated and which services the child between 14 and 16 years old can access.

Personal data of the person exercising parental authority of a user between 14 and 16 years old who has an Adult Account may be processed for the following purposes.

  • To send essential information relating to your account and your use of Arduino products and services.
  • To participate in our surveys.
  • For marketing purposes.
  • For more information on the legal basis and retention period please view our Privacy Policy.

For more information on the legal basis and retention period please view our Privacy Policy.

For the purposes described above, Arduino does not process personal data of users between 14 and 16 years old.

Such data may be processed, if the person exercising parental authority provides his/her prior authorization through the dashboard, only for the following purposes.

  • To ask information and to interact with other users.
  • To obtain an Arduino certification.
  • To enable the use of Arduino Education products.
  • To publish software to which the user is a contributor.
  • To interact with customer care operators.
  • To publish data of the user on Arduino website as an “Arduino Certified User”.

For more information on the legal basis and retention period please view our Privacy Policy.

For more information on the recipients of personal data, any transfers outside the EU and to know the rights granted to data subjects under the GDPR, please see the relevant sections of our Privacy Policy.

Your rights

In addition to managing your preferences on processing of your personal data in accordance with the previous paragraphs, you may contact Arduino to request access to your personal data, rectification, erasure of the same or restriction of the processing, to object to the processing and ask for the portability or the copy of your data; you may also revoke the consent at any time (this will not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation).

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Italian Data Protection Authority and to ask to the data controllers, at any time, information about the data processors and the persons authorized by the data controllers to process your data. You may exercise your rights by contacting Arduino via email at or at or by writing to the above-mentioned address.

What we do if we change this policy

We may introduce changes to our privacy policy. We will notify you in relation to these changes by publishing an updated version on our website. The new privacy policy will have a different date than the one shown below. Please visit the website periodically for updates.