GSM PIN Management

This example is part of the tools supplied for the Arduino MKR GSM 1400 and helps you change or remove the PIN of a SIM card .

Hardware Required


MKRGSM1400 bb


First, import the MKRGSM library

#include <MKRGSM.h>

Initialize an instance of the GSMPin class.


Create your variables, starting with a String to hold input from the serial monitor. Also make a flag for checking f the SIM has been authenticated with a valid PIN, and messages for the serial monitor.

String user_input = "";

boolean auth = false;

String oktext = "OK";

String errortext = "ERROR";

In setup, open a serial connection to the computer. After opening the connection, send a message to the Serial Monitor indicating the sketch has started. Call PINManager.begin() to reset the modem.

void setup(){


  Serial.println("Change PIN example\n");


Check to see if the SIM is locked with a PIN


    int pin_query = PINManager.isPIN();

    if(pin_query == 1)


If locked, ask for the PIN via the serial monitor. You'll use a custom function named readSerial() to parse the information.

Serial.print("Enter PIN code: ");

      user_input = readSerial();

If the PIN is valid, set the auth flag to true. Send a status message to the serial monitor indicating the result. If you enter the wrong PIN, you can try again. After 3 missed attempts, the PIN will be locked, and you'll need the PUK number to unlock.

if(PINManager.checkPIN(user_input) == 0)


        auth = true;






        Serial.println("Incorrect PIN. Remember that you have 3 opportunities.");



If the SIM is in PUK lock mode, ask for the PUK code and a new PIN

else if(pin_query == -1)


      Serial.println("PIN locked. Enter PUK code: ");

      String puk = readSerial();

      Serial.print("Now, enter a new PIN code: ");

      user_input = readSerial();

      if(PINManager.checkPUK(puk, user_input) == 0)


        auth = true;






        Serial.println("Incorrect PUK or invalid new PIN. Try again!.");



If there is an error, and the PIN number and PUK are both locked, send an appropriate status message :

else if(pin_query == -2)


      Serial.println("PIN & PUK locked. Use PIN2/PUK2 in a mobile phone.");



If there's no PIN number, set the auth flag to true



      // SIM does not requires authetication

      Serial.println("No pin necessary.");

      auth = true;



Check the registration on the GSM network, and indicate if you're connected or not, and if you're roaming.

Serial.print("Checking register in GSM network...");

  if(PINManager.checkReg() == 0)


  else if(PINManager.checkReg() == 1)

    Serial.println("ROAMING " + oktext);






You're going to create a custom function to handle serial input from the serial monitor. Make a named function of type String.

String readSerial()

While there is serial information available, read it into a new String. If a newline character is encountered, return to the main program.

String text = "";



    while (Serial.available() > 0)


      char inChar =;

      if (inChar == '\n')


        return text;



        text += inChar;



loop() acts as a PIN management tool, allowing you to turn the PIN on or off, and change it.

void loop()

  Serial.println("Choose an option:\n1 - On/Off PIN.");


    Serial.println("2 - Change PIN.");

  String user_op = readSerial();

  if(user_op == "1")


    Serial.println("Enter your PIN code:");

    user_input = readSerial();



  else if(user_op == "2" & PINManager.getPINUsed())


    Serial.println("Enter your actual PIN code:");

    String oldPIN = readSerial();

    Serial.println("Now, enter your new PIN code:");

    String newPIN = readSerial();

    PINManager.changePIN(oldPIN, newPIN);




    Serial.println("Incorrect option. Try again!.");



Once your code is uploaded, open the serial monitor to work with the PIN.

The complete sketch is below.


 This example enables you to change or remove the PIN number of

 a SIM card inserted into a GSM shield.


 * MKR GSM 1400 board

 * Antenna

 * SIM card

 Created 12 Jun 2012

 by David del Peral


// libraries
#include <MKRGSM.h>

// pin manager object


// save input in serial by user

String user_input = "";

// authenticated with PIN code

bool auth = false;

// serial monitor result messages

String oktext = "OK";

String errortext = "ERROR";

void setup() {

  // initialize serial communications and wait for port to open:


  while (!Serial) {

    ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only


  Serial.println("Change PIN example\n");


  // check if the SIM have pin lock

  while (!auth) {

    int pin_query = PINManager.isPIN();

    if (pin_query == 1) {

      // if SIM is locked, enter PIN code

      Serial.print("Enter PIN code: ");

      user_input = readSerial();

      // check PIN code

      if (PINManager.checkPIN(user_input) == 0) {

        auth = true;



      } else {

        // if PIN code was incorrected

        Serial.println("Incorrect PIN. Remember that you have 3 opportunities.");


    } else if (pin_query == -1) {

      // PIN code is locked, user must enter PUK code

      Serial.println("PIN locked. Enter PUK code: ");

      String puk = readSerial();

      Serial.print("Now, enter a new PIN code: ");

      user_input = readSerial();

      // check PUK code

      if (PINManager.checkPUK(puk, user_input) == 0) {

        auth = true;



      } else {

        // if PUK o the new PIN are incorrect

        Serial.println("Incorrect PUK or invalid new PIN. Try again!.");


    } else if (pin_query == -2) {

      // the worst case, PIN and PUK are locked

      Serial.println("PIN and PUK locked. Use PIN2/PUK2 in a mobile phone.");

      while (true);

    } else {

      // SIM does not requires authetication

      Serial.println("No pin necessary.");

      auth = true;



  // start GSM shield

  Serial.print("Checking register in GSM network...");

  if (PINManager.checkReg() == 0) {



  // if you are connect by roaming

  else if (PINManager.checkReg() == 1) {

    Serial.println("ROAMING " + oktext);

  } else {

    // error connection


    while (true);


void loop() {

  // Function loop implements pin management user menu

  // Only if you SIM use pin lock, you can change PIN code

  // user_op variables save user option

  Serial.println("Choose an option:\n1 - On/Off PIN.");

  if (PINManager.getPINUsed()) {

    Serial.println("2 - Change PIN.");


  String user_op = readSerial();

  if (user_op == "1") {

    Serial.println("Enter your PIN code:");

    user_input = readSerial();

    // activate/deactivate PIN lock


  } else if (user_op == "2" && PINManager.getPINUsed()) {

    Serial.println("Enter your actual PIN code:");

    String oldPIN = readSerial();

    Serial.println("Now, enter your new PIN code:");

    String newPIN = readSerial();

    // change PIN

    PINManager.changePIN(oldPIN, newPIN);

  } else {

    Serial.println("Incorrect option. Try again!.");




  Read input serial


String readSerial() {

  String text = "";

  while (1) {

    while (Serial.available() > 0) {

      char inChar =;

      if (inChar == '\n') {

        return text;


      if (inChar != '\r') {

        text += inChar;




See Also

Last revision 2017/11/29 by AG