TFT and connecting to other Arduino boards

Even if the screen's headers are designed to fit into the socket on the front of the Arduino Esplora or the Arduino Robot but, this module is compatible with any AVR-based Arduino (UNO, Leonardo, etc...) or with the Arduino Due. If you want to use one these other boards, some slight changes on connections are required.

The pins on the screen.

You can either connect the screen with hardware SPI pins, or define your own set of pins. Using the hardware SPI is faster when drawing to the screen.

Arduino Uno

Connect power and ground to the breadboard.

Connecting the breadboard to the board.

Connect the screen to the breadboard. The headers on the side of the screen with the small blue tab and arrow should be the ones that attach to the board. Pay attention to the orientation of the screen, in these images, it is upside down.

Connecting the screen to the breadboard and board.

Connect the pins following this default configuration:

MISO:pin 12
SCK:pin 13
MOSI:pin 11
LCD CS:pin 10
SD CS:pin 4
D/C:pin 9
RESET:pin 8

Circuit of the UNO and the TFT screen.

Connecting the pins in the proper way, you can see the lcd screen working with your Uno (or Duemilanove) just uploading the simple "TFTBitmapLogo" sketch.

Photo of the circuit of the UNO and the TFT screen.

Arduino Leonardo & Arduino Yún

The Arduino Leonardo & Arduino Yún use different pins to be compatible with the lcd screen. To set the pins MISO, MOSI and SCK, you have to use the ICSP terminals.

MISO:Miso pin (white wire on ICSP)
SCK:Sck pin (brown wire on ICSP)
MOSI:Mosi pin (yellow wire on ICSP)
LCD CS:pin 7
SD CS:pin 8
D/C:pin 0
RESET:pin 1

The image below shows an Arduino Leonardo but it works for an Arduino Yún too.

Circuit of the Leonardo and the TFT screen.

The screen will show this message: "Arduino TFT Bitmap Example. Open serial monitor to run the sketch". Open the serial monitor to view the Arduino Logo.

Arduino Mega 2560 or Mega ADK

To connect the lcd screen to a Mega board, use this pin configuration:

MISO:50 on Mega 2560 (Miso on ADK)
SCK:52 on Mega 2560 (Sck on ADK)
MOSI:51 on Mega 2560 (Mosi on ADK)
LCD CS:pin 10
SD CS:pin 4
D/C:pin 9
RESET:pin 8

Circuit of the Mega and the TFT screen.

Arduino Due

To connect the lcd screen to an Arduino Due, use this pin configuration and don't forget to set the right value for the variable "sd_cs" (#define sd_cs 7) in the sketch:

MISO:Miso pin (white wire on SPI)
SCK:Sck pin (brown wire on SPI)
MOSI:Mosi pin (yellow wire on SPI)
LCD CS:pin 10
SD CS:pin 7
D/C:pin 9
RESET:pin 8

Circuit of the Due and the TFT screen.

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